Why I want to start writing now?

Francisco Perez
2 min readSep 24, 2020

I have to admit, back when I was in college, I really didn’t like English and/or Spanish class.. no wait……. I hated both. I was more into science , programming and math.

Today COVID has made me, and a lot of us, confront some of the pre-conceptions and biases I had. Like everybody else on IG, I started making sourdough bread, improving my calligraphy, Zoom with high school friends (check, check, check). More importantly, I started reading more, Medium of course, but also essays and memoirs.

….but more importantly, I started reading more

This transition didn’t happen all of a sudden, after all, it is not like I have more time, especially now with a new born and a toddler at home. What worked for me was 3 things:

  1. Better at time management — The book Indistractable by Nyr Eyal was an eye-opening read to get me started.
  2. Confront the fact that something is going to change. The day has a finite number of hours, and I can’t do everything I want. So, finding quality time with my family, work, and self-improvement at the top priorities, everything else will get drop: Netflix, out…. Hulu, unsubscribed…… HBO, deleted…… Instead, I replace those with Libby and Kindle Prime Reading.
  3. Start reading a topic that you are passionate about. One of the books that inspired me to read and even entertain the idea of start writing was La Valiente Piconera by my good friend Priscilla Velazquez. Now, I will never become a storyteller and writer like my friend, let’s be clear on that, but this book is written in such a contagious way, that made me feel I can do it.

Is after these realization that I felt a need to start sharing my stories: from my childhood upbringings in a Caribbean island to my professional failures and successes, from what it takes from being a good parent to being a good son and brother, I want to talk about fake Tsunamis, Race, my encounter with the Police, Vacations, Cycling, Product Management and much more. But more importantly, I want to make amends with my English and Spanish teachers and show that with the right support and motivation, I could become a good storyteller.

I used a version of this post as an introduction to Medium Writing Academy Group, which I encourage everyone reading this to join!



Francisco Perez

Dad | Mountain Biker | Product Guy — trying to become better today than how I was yesterday.